Saturday, November 24, 2012

FOP Meeting 20 Nov 12

Contract: The City has still not given the Lodge its full proposal yet.  When it does, the Lodge will call in the Unit Reps and go over both proposals.  Then both will be put side by side on the web site for everyone to see.    The Lodge and City have meetings scheduled for 29 Nov and 03, 05, 06, 13 and 14 Dec.

Manpower: In City Council budget meetings, the only concern voiced by the aldermen was police manpower.  The old budget force was 13,500. In this new budget, the number is 12,500.  We have at this time 11,800 officers of all ranks.  The City has hired 275 new officers this year so far.  We have had 579 retirees this year and the City says that it will hire 400 more officers this year and 500 next year.

Pension News: CA 49 failed this past election.  This would have  put new language in pension reform along with a required 3/5 vote majority for passing pension legislation.
The veto session from 27 Nov to 06 Dec will not likely have any new pension legislation.  We Are One spent $385,000 to inform the public about CA 49.  The State Lodge is a member of this group.

Class Action:  We have two suits going on.  The first involves officers who buy time from past jobs with other agencies or military time to get 20 years of service.  They are being denied the premium free health care benefit.  The other is on Light Duty.  Briefs have been submitted and the Lodge hopes to have a decision in January.  

Arbitration: Monday we submit briefs for IPRA taking too long for investigating complaints.  We have over 1000 complaints waiting to be heard and that doesn't include over 6000 grievances for PO's as action Desk Sgt's, also the sixth and seventh straight working days for NATO. 

If you are working in a Dist like 024 or 015 and you are sent to 016 for the tour, even if you get a car and taser first from your Dist of assignment then go to 016, it's still a detail.   It must be put out for bid by the highest seniority, failing to get any bids, it goes to the least senior on the watch.  If that didn't happen senior officer and the detailed officer should grieve the assignment for time and a half! 

ET units 377 and 477 are going to combine into Unit 277 on 06 Jan 13.  They will pick watches and furloughs as one unit.  This will also happen for Units 012 and 013, which will also be combining as 012.  All officers will go to 012. 

Lodge News: Trustee Harold Brown was found to be guilty of violating Lodge rules at a hearing on 16 Oct 12 and expelled from Lodge membership.  Trustee Ron Shogren was also charged but found not guilty.

020 Dist: Watch Bids will be posted on 26 Nov and Furlough picks will be made 11 Dec.

Good News:  In the last FOP News Letter there was a story about two responding officers from the 024th District that were assessed 4k in punitive damages, an officer serving a summons that was ordered to pay 8k in punitive damages and the sergeant that was ordered to pay 10k in punitive damages.  The City was able to negotiate a settlement and the punitive awards were put aside.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Gold Plan

In order to protect half of our assets, my plan is to put half of our three billion dollar fund into physical gold.

There are many reasons to do this as soon as possible:

Keep city politicians off it (and spending it on their 
Protect half of our funds from losses due to global financial instabilities from the Euro Zone.
Possible war between Iran and Israel.
Losses due to the Fed wasteful printing of money to keep interest rates low and the financial collapse of the dollar when we’re unable to keep up that rate of printing.

All these factors and more will cause the dollar to turn into dust and take with it most other cash based tools (stocks and bonds).

We must take action now!  This can not wait!  If you have any feeling for the turmoil that is coming, you must take action now and vote for me in order to get the ball rolling on the pension board. 

Talk with your friends about the financial mess that is looming in the very near future.  Whether it’s the city, county, state or world; we have a lot to be concerned about.  However we must act now!  Are any other candidates talking about this?  Do they have a plan?  If so, what is it?  Have they told you what they plan on doing?  My opponents are small thinkers.  You can trust them with your cash, but not your future.  You need to vote and vote for me.  Your future depends on what you (we) do today.  Send in your ballot.  Vote Jans!

One Reason

Gold is the plan!

The pension fund is our money.  It belongs to us for all the hard work and sacrifice we have willing given to the people, businesses and visitors of this great city.  It is a contract and a pledge.  It’s a thank you from those we have sacrificed our family time, our blood and for some, their very lives.  It is not a piggy bank for the mayor or any of his fifty thieves to plunder when they can no longer tax the citizens and businesses into further poverty. 
Kevin C. Jans

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Petition Challenges

My petition challenges failed at the hearing held at the Pension Board.  The Board found that the petitions had substantially met the Boards requirements.  The challenge for name placement on the ballot was successful.  My name will be second on the list. 

Update: One of my opponents claims to be  endorsed by the Pension Board.  The same Board that heard my failed challenge.  How fair is that?  How fair and independent to you will that board be? 

Saturday, October 06, 2012


The posts below were copied from a word document and the formatting didn't go directly into the blog, so I had to change a few things in the format.  After the meeting on Tuesday, I will outline my platform for the election.  So please return and if you missed the meeting, I'll let you know how it went.

1 of 3

Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

The Secretary of State of Illinois, which is the controlling agency for Notaries, also states in their publication for notaries: “If the document requires an oath (for example, the certificate reads “signed and sworn/affirmed before me. . . .”), then an oath or affirmation must be administered to the person, and the person must sign the document in your presence.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolmen the affidavits are unsigned rendering the petitions invalid:                     
                                Michael K Lappe
Robert J Bartlett
Marcia Campbell
Kathy T McCall
John Flisk

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination.                                                                                       

                                                                                       PO Kevin C Jans #19016

2 of 3

Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C. Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolman, two affidavits are not signed by the Notary rendering the petitions invalid:
                                     Brock F. Merk

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination as the remaining petitions lack the necessary 50 signatures.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kevin C. Jans #19016        

3 of 3

Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C. Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolmen the affidavits are improperly signed rendering the petitions invalid:
                                     Brock F Merk
    Michael Koszola

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination.                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                         Kevin C. Jans #19016

Sunday, September 23, 2012

FOP Meeting 18 Sep 12

The meeting started ten minutes after the hour as members were still lined up outside waiting to sign in.  Most, if not all, wanted to be heard on their vote to prevent retirees from holding elective office on The Board of Trustees of the FOP.  There were 500 hundred members or so present at the meeting.  The patio and building side doors were opened so that all who were unable to fit in the hall could hear and participate in the discussion and vote.  The By-law amendment to prevent retirees from holding office was soundly defeated. 

In Arbitration news:  the Lodge won The FTO arb and all involved FTO’s will get paid.  Those members, who sent in their college tuition waivers in via police mail and were deigned, won and will get their reimbursements.  Still waiting for those who were late turning in their requests.  The random drug testing arb was lost but the Lodge is still looking for all officers that have been tested 4 times or more in this year to contact the Lodge.  Use of comp time arb is on going and the arbitrator has asked the Dept for the mathematical formula for manpower in deciding how many officers are given time due on a watch.  Of course there is no formula so we hope to use that fact alone will win the arbitration and get officers the ability to use the time off they have worked for.  Limited duty arb is coming up soon, however there are more than 900 grievances waiting to be heard and the City wants to hear only 13 cases a month.  The Lodge has filed an unfair labor act violation against the City for refusing to hear cases in a timely manner.

Contract News:  The Lodge and City have met once already and the Lodge gave the City the changes we want in the new contract.  The City has not yet given the Lodge it’s proposals.  There is a meeting scheduled for the 27th of September.  If the City gives the Lodge their proposals, the Lodge will put up on the web, both proposals side by side.  Until that happens the Lodge will not publicly reveal it’s offer.  The Lodge asks the membership to stand united during the contract negotiations.  Four more meetings have been agreed to for discussion on the contract.

Pension News: The Election Day, counting of ballots, will be Thursday, October 25, 2012. Prior to that date affected members will receive their ballot in the U.S. Mail.  The City Treasurer and the City CFO, who both sit on the Pension Board, are looking into changes in the pension rules.  It is very important for you to vote in the up coming election.  I, Kevin C. Jans, will be running for the position of Trustee on the Pension Board.  I hope you will all take the time to send in your ballots and vote for me.

Duty Trade will be expanded from the district to the area when looking for a trading partner.  You must get a minimum of 72 hours prior notice when being deigned time due.  If you receive less than 72 hours, notify the Lodge right away, so you can get your time off.
Free flu shots will be given out at the Lodge on 11 Oct 12.  Fifteen dollars for family members. 
New retirees don’t have to wait for the pension board to get the form necessary for concealed carry.  You can now get the form signed by the unit commander.  Check with the Lodge for gun ranges that you can use to qualify, there have been a couple more ranges added that are cop friendly.

If you are asked to speak to some friendly FBI agents or any one else for that matter that just happens by. DON’T!  Contact the Lodge immediately!  You have the right to an attorney even if you are not the subject of the investigation, YET!  Don’t unknowingly put your foot in your mouth! 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Game On!

 I’m throwing my hat into the ring for the position of Trustee to the Policemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund of Chicago

From the Board’s web site

A Reminder…this year there will be a Trustee election to fill the expiring positions of the rank of police officer or rank equivalent thereto and for the retired member on the Retirement Board. The Election Day, counting of ballots, will be Thursday, October 25, 2012. Prior to that date affected members will receive their ballot in the U.S. Mail. Watch further newsletters and Website for additional information.

I will be a full time Trustee.  As most of you know Michael Shields is the current Trustee and also the President of FOP Lodge 7.  I feel that at this time he can’t do both jobs well at the same time with contract negotiations going on and our pensions benefits under attack here and in Springfield.  Now is the time to have a full time Trustee!  I hope to meet with you during my campaign and then my term.  Please feel free to stop me if you see me and ask any questions you might have.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Transport Question

                                       Chicago Police Department
General Order G06-01-02
Restraining Arrestees

II. Policy:

Department members are responsible for the safety and security of persons in their custody. A person taken into Department custody will be restrained and transported in such a manner as to prevent escape and to provide for the safety of the public, the person in custody, and the officers involved.

V. Use of restraining Devices
C. Arrestee Transport

·  When an arrestee is to be transported to another location (hospital, court facility, etc.) by other than prisoner transfer van personnel, the responsible member will comply with Item V-B of this directive.

An arrestee will not normally be transported in a passenger vehicle not equipped with a protective divider.

Two officers will be assigned when transporting an arrestee.

My comments:
As a Police Officer it is up to you and your supervisor to make sure that you handle your assignments safely and in accordance with Department policies.  You will have to answer to any mistakes you make!  Don’t allow others to put you in the trick bag.  Two officers should be assigned if you are taking an arrestee anywhere and sitting with him.  At least one officer of the same sex as the arrestee should be assigned.

Kevin C. Jans 19016   20th Dist. Unit Rep.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ripped from Seond City Cop

Anonymous said...

If were surprised at what a professor said about the G8, I can't imagine how others would feel about some of the questions posed today at the FOP meeting. Let's see: who's gonna wash my uniform if it gets dirty? Who's gonna pay for me to get extra uniforms?(uniform check douchebag).

My friend, as a former Army medic and current 20th Dist Unit Rep. my concern is for you and your families health and well being. If you live with small children or older adults who aren’t in the best of health and you bring soiled clothes home, they can be infected and die by what you bring home on your clothes.

Diseases can be spread when people come in contact with human waste, both fecal material and urine.
Germs live in human waste and grow very quickly in warm, moist conditions. Human waste may also contain parasitic worms and their eggs.
Many diseases and parasites are spread by human waste. They are very common in areas of the world where sanitation is poor. Many people coming to this event will be coming from areas of the world with poor sanitation. Check out what happened in Haiti after the earthquake.
Diseases Spread by Human Waste: Cholera, Dysentery, Hepatitis, Measles, Polio and Typhoid fever. Things that live in Human Waste: Pinworms, Amoebas, Tapeworms, Hookworms, Roundworms, Giardia and Trichina worms.

Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrheal illness known as giardiasis. Giardia (also known as Giardia intestinalis, Giardia lamblia, or Giardia duodenalis) is found on surfaces or in soil, food, or water that has been contaminated with feces (poop) from infected humans or animals.
Giardia is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time and makes it tolerant to chlorine disinfection. While the parasite can be spread in different ways, water (drinking water and recreational water) is the most common method of transmission.
I believe that you my not be able to go home if transportation gets messed up during the riots and you will need a change of uniform. Have you purchased or have a change of turtle gear? How about the other members of your team?