Saturday, October 06, 2012

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Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

The Secretary of State of Illinois, which is the controlling agency for Notaries, also states in their publication for notaries: “If the document requires an oath (for example, the certificate reads “signed and sworn/affirmed before me. . . .”), then an oath or affirmation must be administered to the person, and the person must sign the document in your presence.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolmen the affidavits are unsigned rendering the petitions invalid:                     
                                Michael K Lappe
Robert J Bartlett
Marcia Campbell
Kathy T McCall
John Flisk

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination.                                                                                       

                                                                                       PO Kevin C Jans #19016

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