Friday, September 20, 2013

FOP General Meeting 17 Sep 2013

From Kevin C. Jans  Unit Rep 024

From the start of the meeting President Mike Shields admitted to not sending the notice to the City to end our contract prior to the deadline in the contract.  Because of this the City’s (Rahm) stand is that we are not eligible for a retro check from July 1, 2012 till June 30, 2013 and now because a letter was not sent by 1 March, 2013 no retro till after 30 June, 2014.

From the Contract
Section 28.1 — Term of Agreement.
This Agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2007 and shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2012. It shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter unless notice of termination is given, in writing, by certified mail, by either party no earlier than February 1, 2012 and no later than March 1, 2012. The notices referred to shall be considered to have been given as of the date shown on the postmark. Written notice may be tendered in person, in which case the date of notice shall be the written date of receipt. It is mutually agreed that the Articles and Sections shall constitute the Agreement between the parties for the period defined in this Section.

A motion was made for a vote of no confidence for the failure of President Shields to protect our retro payment by not sending the notice of termination during the contract time frame.  During the discussion, President Shields stated that he was sorry and that State Labor Law has a later date and the notice was sent prior to that date (the local Director of the Labor Board rejected that reason during an appeal made by the Lodge, which is going to appealed that decision to the full local Labor Board).  President Shields also stated that no one from the Lodge Board of Trustees told him to send the notice.  Current Immediate Past President Mark Donahue and current Financial Secretary Rich Aguilar stated that they had informed President Shields to send the notice.  A Board member stated that at the Board meeting prior to the deadline President Shields had informed the Board that he (President Shields) would send the notice.  The member who made the no confidence motion stated that the motion would be with drawn if President Shields would promise not to run for re-election.  President Shields made no such statement.  Others at the meeting said that this is the wrong time to send a message of no confidence in President Shields.  This is a time to stand united in our fight for a new contract.  The vote was taken and the motion failed.

There was a vote on dropping two positions from the Lodge’s Constitution.  Those positions were 3rd Vice-President and the Financial Secretary.  The amendment needed a two thirds vote to pass.  The amendment failed.

Open enrollment is coming for Health Care.  November 4th to the 19th.  You can change your health care provider, change from a PPO to a HMO or reverse, add dependants, or do nothing to keep your present plan. Packets will be sent out and you should receive yours before 04 Nov 2013.  If you don’t get your packet, call (312) 299-5111.

Health fairs are coming to the 19th District on the 24th and 25th of September, the 20th District on the 2nd and 3rd of October and the Lodge Hall on the 13th and 14th of October.  Call the lodge for more information and the phone number to make an appointment.  There will be free flu shots given at the Lodge Hall for members on 22 Oct 13, 25 bucks for spouses.  There will be a uniform sale at the Lodge hall on 16 Oct 13 from 1pm to 5pm.

The FBI’s Civil Rights Division is looking into Chicago Police shootings.  Agents are knocking on officer’s home doors and asking questions.  Your response should be, “I can’t talk with you right now.  Please give me your business card and I will contact you.”  Say no more, don’t let him/her into your house for any reason!  If some one else let them in, just show them the door and smile.  After the agent gives you his/her card and leaves, call the Lodge immediately

The Lodge lost the acting Desk Sergeant arbitration.  There are several question unanswered and the Lodge will resubmit this to another arbitrator.

Tuition reimbursement arbitration for late submission of paper work should be in soon.

There will be a town hall meeting for a plan to bring in Squad scheduling to the 12th District.  This is a plan for team policing.   All team members will have the same dog and sergeant. 

 The Department is looking into a directive so that members in the military won’t lose pay during service to the country.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Pirate Name


    My pirate name is:


    Iron Davy Roberts   


    A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Two things complete your pirate persona: style and swagger. Maybe a little too much swagger sometimes -- but who really cares?    Arr!

  Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Just call me Iron Davy next time you see me!