Sunday, September 23, 2012

FOP Meeting 18 Sep 12

The meeting started ten minutes after the hour as members were still lined up outside waiting to sign in.  Most, if not all, wanted to be heard on their vote to prevent retirees from holding elective office on The Board of Trustees of the FOP.  There were 500 hundred members or so present at the meeting.  The patio and building side doors were opened so that all who were unable to fit in the hall could hear and participate in the discussion and vote.  The By-law amendment to prevent retirees from holding office was soundly defeated. 

In Arbitration news:  the Lodge won The FTO arb and all involved FTO’s will get paid.  Those members, who sent in their college tuition waivers in via police mail and were deigned, won and will get their reimbursements.  Still waiting for those who were late turning in their requests.  The random drug testing arb was lost but the Lodge is still looking for all officers that have been tested 4 times or more in this year to contact the Lodge.  Use of comp time arb is on going and the arbitrator has asked the Dept for the mathematical formula for manpower in deciding how many officers are given time due on a watch.  Of course there is no formula so we hope to use that fact alone will win the arbitration and get officers the ability to use the time off they have worked for.  Limited duty arb is coming up soon, however there are more than 900 grievances waiting to be heard and the City wants to hear only 13 cases a month.  The Lodge has filed an unfair labor act violation against the City for refusing to hear cases in a timely manner.

Contract News:  The Lodge and City have met once already and the Lodge gave the City the changes we want in the new contract.  The City has not yet given the Lodge it’s proposals.  There is a meeting scheduled for the 27th of September.  If the City gives the Lodge their proposals, the Lodge will put up on the web, both proposals side by side.  Until that happens the Lodge will not publicly reveal it’s offer.  The Lodge asks the membership to stand united during the contract negotiations.  Four more meetings have been agreed to for discussion on the contract.

Pension News: The Election Day, counting of ballots, will be Thursday, October 25, 2012. Prior to that date affected members will receive their ballot in the U.S. Mail.  The City Treasurer and the City CFO, who both sit on the Pension Board, are looking into changes in the pension rules.  It is very important for you to vote in the up coming election.  I, Kevin C. Jans, will be running for the position of Trustee on the Pension Board.  I hope you will all take the time to send in your ballots and vote for me.

Duty Trade will be expanded from the district to the area when looking for a trading partner.  You must get a minimum of 72 hours prior notice when being deigned time due.  If you receive less than 72 hours, notify the Lodge right away, so you can get your time off.
Free flu shots will be given out at the Lodge on 11 Oct 12.  Fifteen dollars for family members. 
New retirees don’t have to wait for the pension board to get the form necessary for concealed carry.  You can now get the form signed by the unit commander.  Check with the Lodge for gun ranges that you can use to qualify, there have been a couple more ranges added that are cop friendly.

If you are asked to speak to some friendly FBI agents or any one else for that matter that just happens by. DON’T!  Contact the Lodge immediately!  You have the right to an attorney even if you are not the subject of the investigation, YET!  Don’t unknowingly put your foot in your mouth! 

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