Sunday, February 10, 2008


Why vote for Kevin C. Jans and the INDEPENDENT Candidates for Change instead of Mark Donahue and the Citywide Team?

We will make the Lodge more visible to the public and be more aggressive in promoting the truth about the good we do as Chicago Police Officers. We will be there to get the truth out and challenge those that try to bring us down to the level of a street gang! You will be proud again to say that you are a Chicago Police Officer.
If you want promotions based on honest and fair testing, elect the INDEPENDENT Candidates for Change. As long as the current leadership controls access to the rank order list, promotions and spots will continue to be influenced by clout.
The Citywide Team has wasted more than $500,000 of your dues in a law suit filed against Lodge 7 over an illegal firing. The suit demonstrates just how arrogant the current leadership is and how little concern they have for those who don’t have an “in.”
The INDEPENDENT Candidates for Change will fight to make residency a mandatory issue for arbitration, without making concessions. You have a right to live where you wish and we will go to the courts to ensure that right, if necessary.
After five years on the job, you should be at the top pay rate like officers in many other departments. If you want to spend your free time with your family instead of working every waking moment at a side job, you need to vote for the INDEPENDENT Candidates for Change.
Detectives should be able to bid for open spots just like Patrolmen do. The INDEPENDENT Candidates for Change will make this a priority.