Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Gold Plan

In order to protect half of our assets, my plan is to put half of our three billion dollar fund into physical gold.

There are many reasons to do this as soon as possible:

Keep city politicians off it (and spending it on their 
Protect half of our funds from losses due to global financial instabilities from the Euro Zone.
Possible war between Iran and Israel.
Losses due to the Fed wasteful printing of money to keep interest rates low and the financial collapse of the dollar when we’re unable to keep up that rate of printing.

All these factors and more will cause the dollar to turn into dust and take with it most other cash based tools (stocks and bonds).

We must take action now!  This can not wait!  If you have any feeling for the turmoil that is coming, you must take action now and vote for me in order to get the ball rolling on the pension board. 

Talk with your friends about the financial mess that is looming in the very near future.  Whether it’s the city, county, state or world; we have a lot to be concerned about.  However we must act now!  Are any other candidates talking about this?  Do they have a plan?  If so, what is it?  Have they told you what they plan on doing?  My opponents are small thinkers.  You can trust them with your cash, but not your future.  You need to vote and vote for me.  Your future depends on what you (we) do today.  Send in your ballot.  Vote Jans!

One Reason

Gold is the plan!

The pension fund is our money.  It belongs to us for all the hard work and sacrifice we have willing given to the people, businesses and visitors of this great city.  It is a contract and a pledge.  It’s a thank you from those we have sacrificed our family time, our blood and for some, their very lives.  It is not a piggy bank for the mayor or any of his fifty thieves to plunder when they can no longer tax the citizens and businesses into further poverty. 
Kevin C. Jans

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Petition Challenges

My petition challenges failed at the hearing held at the Pension Board.  The Board found that the petitions had substantially met the Boards requirements.  The challenge for name placement on the ballot was successful.  My name will be second on the list. 

Update: One of my opponents claims to be  endorsed by the Pension Board.  The same Board that heard my failed challenge.  How fair is that?  How fair and independent to you will that board be? 

Saturday, October 06, 2012


The posts below were copied from a word document and the formatting didn't go directly into the blog, so I had to change a few things in the format.  After the meeting on Tuesday, I will outline my platform for the election.  So please return and if you missed the meeting, I'll let you know how it went.

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Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

The Secretary of State of Illinois, which is the controlling agency for Notaries, also states in their publication for notaries: “If the document requires an oath (for example, the certificate reads “signed and sworn/affirmed before me. . . .”), then an oath or affirmation must be administered to the person, and the person must sign the document in your presence.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolmen the affidavits are unsigned rendering the petitions invalid:                     
                                Michael K Lappe
Robert J Bartlett
Marcia Campbell
Kathy T McCall
John Flisk

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination.                                                                                       

                                                                                       PO Kevin C Jans #19016

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Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C. Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolman, two affidavits are not signed by the Notary rendering the petitions invalid:
                                     Brock F. Merk

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination as the remaining petitions lack the necessary 50 signatures.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kevin C. Jans #19016        

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Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund
6 October 2012

TO:                  Pension Fund Trustees
                        Election Committee

FROM:            Kevin C. Jans #19016
                        Patrolman  020th District

SUBJECT:            Nominating Petitions

In the rules of election for The Fund, revised July 28, 2011; it states in section 5…”Every page of every petition must bear an affidavit of the person in whose presence the petition was signed, which affidavit shall be substantially in the form herein prescribed.”

In the petitions of the following Patrolmen the affidavits are improperly signed rendering the petitions invalid:
                                     Brock F Merk
    Michael Koszola

                                                R/O contests the validity of the above petitions and request the above be removed from nomination.                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                         Kevin C. Jans #19016