Sunday, November 23, 2008

FOP General Meeting Notes

The Illinois State Appellate Court has ruled that an administrative blow (for alcohol in your blood) you are ordered to give can be used against you in a criminal case.

There is no progress on the contract. The FOP contract committee met to go over their positions and had a meeting with the city, but there is no new progress.

Starting in January there will be a dues increase of 50¢, so the state lodge can hire a new lobbyist.

SB 2520, pension portability has passed and is sitting on the gov's desk. The pension board will be making up a list of cost for those who are able to buy time.

The details at the federal building and at President-elect Obama’s house will be made special employment this week(?). Open to 9161’s only, at time and a half. The detail at the federal building will end when Obama goes to Washington, however his house detail will last as long as Obama is president by federal rule. POs will have to take an 8-hour class to sign up for this special and at this time must also pay for the training!

The Washington D.C. detail for the inauguration is still in the planning stage. 40 POs 9161 only to Washington for the 4-day detail. Possible time and a half for 12-hour day (2 hr travel time to site, 8 hrs on duty, 2 hrs travel time back) round hats, no cargo pants.

Less than 100 officers were added to the dept this year. We are down 400+ officers this year alone.

The Washington Police Memorial would like the CPD to add them to the list of donations you can sign up for thru payroll deductions.

The city is trying to make pension changes that would affect officers that are hired next year.
A change from defined benefit (current program that will not change for us now) to defined contribution (401 type).

Nationwide (deferred comp) has not been processing hardship withdrawals for missed mortgage payments only if in foreclosure or for complete loss of income, not temporary loss i.e. waiting for disability payment decision from the pension board.

When given notice to pick up duty gun held by the dept after a shooting, don’t let them copy your ID’s as then those copies are discoverable and plaintiff’s attn can get them. The dept has stopped the procedure but make sure you don’t let it happen to you. The dept is low on loaner weapons. If you don’t get the same model you qualified with as a duty weapon and you don’t have a spare, stay home with pay until the dept is able to provide you with the proper weapon or returns yours to you.

The dept is now swabbing PO’s weapons for used in shootings for the officer’s DNA. The Lodge is fighting this.

The dept of correction’s parole committee is getting closer to releasing cop killers. The last hearing the vote was 6 to 5 in favor of releasing a cop killer. They needed 7 votes to release. The Lodge is asking us to remember to sign the denial petitions when you see them. Remember if you go, the Lodge provides a bus to the parole hearing and it’s considered a tour of duty.

The Lodge, along with the Knights of Columbus are putting together packages for our officers serving in the military overseas on Dec 4th at the Lodge, please make a donation if you can.

Take advantage of the flexible spending accounts for medical items. You save 25% in taxes by using pretax dollars for items you buy that are covered in this account.